Meet the SMS Mission Effectiveness Coordinator!
At this very special time of year, when we are all focused on our families and the approaching holidays, it is also a wonderful time to reflect on the Values that we share as Catholics and as an SMS community.
With the recent launch of the Bison Fund, we see a great example of bringing a core SMS value to life, with the opportunity to express charity through our support of our children’s education.
It is in this context that we are happy to highlight Mrs. Allison Blomeke in her new role as the SMS Mission Effectiveness Coordinator! In this role, Mrs. Blomeke will focus on bringing to life the values that make our SMS community so special and finding innovative ways to infuse them in our children’s day-to-day education.
Meet the SMS Special Services Team!
Directly tied to our SMS Long Range Strategic Plan, the Special Services Team was created to drive momentum against a key goal: to support instruction in order to enhance student achievement by leveraging new opportunities for personalized instruction and learning across all disciplines.
This team will be a great resource for our students this year and in years to come, as they provide tailored support to our students to help them reach and maximize their potential.
For questions, please email Mrs. Prawica at
Welcome to Saint Mary, Principal Gritzmacher!
Ms. Gritzmacher, our new principal, has been making plans for the new school year for much of the summer. She welcomed our teachers back last week. Now she can't wait to meet the Saint Mary School students and their families. A few of our students reached out to her recently to ask her some very important questions. We hope you enjoy this video and get to know her a bit.